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- Written by: John Burke and Chief Ndweni
- Category: Zimbabwe Issues
- Hits: 4699
This article is published at 14:15 today [Thursday 2nd December 2021] AFTER the Petition Hand-Over to Boris Johnson and Co at 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, London. SW1A 2AA. This will appear automatically to allow the public to see the body of our petition for themselves. We feel it is a matter for public debate, that the Regime who have ruled with an 'iron fist' for 41 years in Zimbabwe needs to be exposed due to corruption, mismanagment, vote rigging, the prevention of a diaspora vote and gross human rights abuses.
Thereafter we may walk to the FCDO Offices to shout about why their faith in Zanu PF and Emmerson D Mnangagwa, and the Zanu PF 'cabal' is entirely misplaced! We will do this another day as the temperatures in London today was only 30C plus a modest wind-chill. We were all perishingly cold!
Order of the Day
We had congregated outside the Zimbabwe Embassy located at 429 The Strand, London WC2R 0JS from 11:00am onwards - or whatever time people arrived from all over the UK - those from Newcastle or Leeds, have got our sympathies for the length of journey. To keep costs down it is invariably by coach! Often leaving at midnight or the 'early' hours. Moses Mbano has done this trip several times!
With us today were Chief Ndiweni and many other free thinking Zimbabweans, and other supporters of justice and freedom!
By 13:30 [1:30pm] we moved off from the Embassy, via Trafalgar Square, to first Whitehall, then we congregated opposite the entrance to 10 Downing Street. We sang, danced and played the drum whilst we awaited the 14:00 timeslot to enter the security corden around 10 Downing St. A tale of woe for Moses Mbano [arriving from Newcastle], was that [strangely] the Home Office had prevented him from being in the 'Petitioner' group - therefore he was left outside at the Gate.
Each of the [now 5] Zimbabwean petitioners, Chief F Nhlanhla Ndiweni, John Burke, Rashiwe Bayisayi and Sarah Bayisayi and Moses Mbano [left at the Gate as mentioned above] had been vetted by the Diplomatic Police Unit up to 10 days prior to entry. They had photo-ID with them to support that vetting process. On our Flickr Album Page 2nd Dec 2021 you can see their progress, and of the rest of the day as a photo-log plus a few videos too!
Once beyond the gate to Downing Street the petitioners were at liberty [and we encoraged them to do so see the photos on the Flickr Album above] - to take photographs of themselves as a group and individually. Several of the photos at the door to Number 10, were actually taken by one of the Policemen there!
After they returned to the main group situated opposite the entrance to Downing Street, the petitioners were greeted with cheers and more music! ...and dancing! see video on our Flickr page above!
It was at that stage that this pre-arranged article with its link to the PDF Petition document became publicly available arounf 14:15. Please read, consider and circulate.
A short video after the Petition was delivered is avialable at this link to our Flickr Album page for the 2nd December 2021. You may need to click the video for it to play. Some very wise words from Chief Ndiweni
Those who braved the cold on Thursday were as follows: Moses Mbano, who arrived from Newcastle at 8:00am; Elector Zvorwadza; Zenzo Sibanda; Junior Madimure; Sarah Bayisayi; Rashiwe Bayisayi; John Burke; Chief F Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni, complete with Chief Badge/Insignia; Silvanos Mudzvova, our Playwright; Qiniso Sibanda, from Leeds; Beverley Mutandiro, our Political/Human Rights Liaison Co-ordinator; Stanley Tavaziva, for a flying visit; Chegika Phiri, from Doncaster; Emmanuel Dzingira, suffering bus delays; Handsen Chikowore and Tapiwa Muskwe.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Zimbabwe Issues
- Hits: 11801
The Wednesday Vigil has returned!
Due to a major policy change by the Home Office, and an apparent "deal" done in Zimbabwe, between the British Embassy and the Zanu PF ruling party - a serious demonstration was required. The Home Office has detained around 150 Zimbabweans since 5th July - this is a massive worry and undue stress on those trapped in the complexities and uncertainty of the UK Asylum process. See the quote from the Status Now group [please use the live web links below]
""Government attempts to justify their actions as a way of removing ‘criminals’, is both a fallacy and racist: we are reminded of the profound problems with policing, so thoroughly exposed through the Black Lives Matter Movement during 2020-21, the socioeconomic and cultural inequalities that become instrumental in people ending up before, and convicted by, the courts, lack of robust legal aid to enable people to defend themselves and, for those who have completed their prison sentences that have been delivered through that other arm of the Home Office, the criminal justice system, deportation is a double punishment."" [from the Status Now Blog dated 8th August 2021]
Following on from our activites of the 19th July 2021 which 'kicked-off' this campaign, the same group came together for a still bigger demonstration. We recorded 72 people attended, including some from Status Now - who came with their own banner. These groups were as follows, and acting under the umbrella of 'ZIMBABWE COMMUNITY APPEAL', MDCA [Movement for Democratic Change Alliance], ZAPU [Zimbabwe African People's Union], plus the Human Rights groups ROHR [Restoration Of Human Rights - Zimbabwe] and ZHRO [Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation], plus several Church Groups were encouraged to attend.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Zimbabwe Issues
- Hits: 9458
"Fight the Flight" Demonstration started at the Zimbabwe Embassy.
Zimbabwe Embassy
Members of the two main political parties in Zimbabwe, namely MDCA [Movement for Democratic Change Alliance], ZAPU [Zimbabwe African People's Union], plus the Human Rights groups ROHR [Restoration Of Human Rights - Zimbabwe] and ZHRO [Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation], plus several Church Groups were encouraged to attend this and other demonstrations in the future to Fight the Mass Forced Removals of Zimbabwenas in the Diaspora. Due to the extended lockdown, such demonstrations have not been conducted for over 12 months - so there was a little "interia" - all the same some 31-35 people attended during this "first-day-back! This also included members of Movement for Justice and Global Afrikan Congress who activiely joined in the protest.
We started to congregate outside the Zimbabwe Embassy from around noon on Monday the 19th July 2021. The first time since last year, and the first quasi-Vigil since 11th March 2020 [due to the draconian Lock-down obligations]. We were demonstrating that the Home Office has radically changed their policy - and has [since the 5th July 2021 detained approximately 150 Zimbabweans. Claiming that most are "hardened criminals" - which is disengenuous to say the least - as we know most [detainees] are victims of the complex, convoluted and expensive British asylum procedures.
ZHRO and Zimbabwe Community Appeal Flickr Photos outside the Embassy
- Details
- Written by: Kingstone Jambawo
- Category: Zimbabwe Issues
- Hits: 25494
Wednesday at the Vigil was a little subdued, as the vast majority of the Diaspora and Zimbabweans at home digest the injustice of the fake Inauguration, the Fake Con-Court Judgment and the Fake Election numbers that saw the winners denied DEMOCRACY - YET AGAIN.
No one is accepting ED as a President - no matter how much propaganda spews from Zanu PF and their sycophants in the UK chaired by the odious Nick Mangwana of Zanu PF UK.
Talk was of a Government in Exile being supported by the diaspora - who were denied their Constitutionally given right by the toadies that populate the Junta. The diaspora represent 40% of the population - at least 3 million people who have fled Zimbabwe after 38 years of Zanu PF tyranny, violence, intimidation, corruption and utter mis-management that sees a once successful Nation reduced to abject poverty.