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- Written by: John Burke
- Category: Branch Issues
- Hits: 3896
Zimbabwe’s health workers and teachers on Monday, June 20, 2022 went on strike over poor pay and working conditions as they rejected a 100 percent [see reasons below] salary increase offered by the government at the weekend.
Health workers such as nurses, junior doctors, and radiographers staged protests at the country’s biggest public hospital—Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in the capital Harare—as they began their indefinite strike. Unions representing health workers said the strike was a last resort after the government refused to negotiate with them since April last year.
“The Minister of Health and Child Care (Vice President Constantino Chiwenga) has never met any health employee and government continues to offer lies as opposed to what is prevailing on the ground,” Apex Health Council leader Tapiwanashe Kusotera told the protesting health workers on Monday.
“They have refused to listen to us and we refuse to work.”
On Tuesday, June 21, nurses also held demonstrations at major hospitals. The strike is the second walkout by health workers since the Covid-19 outbreak in Zimbabwe in 2020.In addition, Civil Servants have been pushing for a salary review citing high inflation, which rose to 131.7 percent in May. [according to Professor Steve Hanke, he calculates that inflation is at 365%] in addition the collapse of the currency [in which all Civil Servants are paid] relative to the US Dollar has fallen by over 96% since January 1st 2020!!
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- Written by: John Burke
- Category: Branch Issues
- Hits: 270
The United Kingdom’s cruel and hostile asylum environment has given rise to yet another Home Office plan to deport people to Zimbabwe on a flight chartered on 2nd March 2022.
StatusNow4All[1] These Walls Must Fall [https://detention.org.uk]., MyRight2Vote, BARAC UK, RAPAR, CCC, Zapu, ROHR and ZHRO[2] and other organisations abhors this decision, made in the name of the Home Secretary, Priti Patel. DOWNLOAD the PDF of this Petition NOW
It is immoral:
These are just some of the factors of note in relation to those who are being rounded up for deportation right now:
- Some have been here a long time, as many as twenty years;
- Some will have had Refugee Leave, such was the compelling case they presented on arrival in UK, but the law, now, allow the Home Office to strip them of this, due to a conviction for particular offending behaviours [para 339 Immigration Rules].
- Deportation Orders are automatically made against people without British or Irish citizenship who have been given a prison sentence of more than a year
- Some of these people will have served their time in prison and on license like any other person with a conviction and have subsequently lived in the community for many years without re-offending – the bulk of these ‘crimes’ are old.
- They have been suffering the psychological damage and indignities of being on indefinite Immigration Bail with ankle tags, curfews, not allowed to work or study, and the ever-present threat of removal.
- Suicide amongst those in this situation is NOT uncommon.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Branch Issues
- Hits: 34210
On Tuesday April 18, 2017, Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), and other Human Rights organizations including Restoration of Human Rights Zimbabwe (ROHR) & Zimbabwe Citizens Initiative (ZCI), some political parties, and citizens movements are uniting to demonstrate outside the Zimbabwean Embassy in London, UK followed by a peaceful march to 10 Downing Street where a signed petition will be submitted to the UK government.
ZHRO is initiating an ongoing campaign for a second independence for Zimbabwe termed, '#Take2Zimbabwe' in support of a united citizens ‘front’ coming together against the betrayal of independence irrespective of parties, groups, movements etc. In effect ‘the people’ will be rejecting the Independence Day celebration in favour of triggering their own “Zexit” – leaving behind the failed State of Zimbabwe in favour of a new Independent Zimbabwe.
"#Take2Zimbabwe What Independence? concept was birthed from realization that I/you/we and those past have been tragically betrayed by the Mugabe regime & his ZANU PF government. The very definition of independent is not what Zimbabwe is today or has been for decades. Look around you, What Independence?" - Mable Kayiya; Marketing Director ZHRO.
"We feel that the protest is necessary to highlight the Human Right abuses in Zimbabwe, we cannot celebrate being Independent when we are being denied the right to vote and our people are being abducted and tortured for speaking out the truth," stated Farai Nhakaniso, spokesperson for ROHR Zimbabwe U.K. Chapter.
To denounce this ‘fake’ independence, citizens across the social & political spectrum will rally outside the Zimbabwean Embassy, and places where this year's "Independence Celebrations" will be held by ZANU PF chapters in the UK.
Will there be a reason for ordinary Zimbabweans to hail our country as "independent" at all?
Do Zimbabweans genuinely have democratic values and freedoms to celebrate?
The answer is a clear and unequivocal NO! Certainly a culture of political intolerance, violence perpetrated by state security forces and human rights abuses has persisted with impunity. The ZANU PF government continues the repression of the country's opposition parties and its supporters, including through the continued evictions of people from their urban and rural homes using state resources, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).
Mazowe villagers are the latest victims and a perfect example of how the judgements of the courts are ignored. The villagers of Arnold Farm in Mazowe have been brutalised by the ZRP as they were forcibly evicted to make way for a wildlife venture by the elite Grace Mugabe.
Zimbabwe should not be considered as independent because:
- Although the country is supposed to be governed by a constitution, the Mugabe Regime & it's ZANU PF government's intolerant authoritarian rule makes Zimbabwe an undemocratic country. An autocratic regime is a poor guarantee for prosperity, poverty reduction and human rights.
- the media, civic groups, activists and ordinary people are not allowed to criticise the government for they would be labelled as ‘sellouts’ and brutalised as a consequence.
- there is no free and fair elections, freedom of speech and expression are limited and violence by state security agents is sanctioned by the government on those who defy.
- the elections can only be won by Mugabe’s Regime & it's ZANU PF government using unfair means as we are about to see in 2018.
- this has eroded the incentive for voting and decreased the value of a vote. ZANU PF will again harass the opposition parties' supporters and have ZEC declare them as winner in 2018.
- civic meetings and most demonstrations are declared illegal to allow police brutality.
- politically motivated violence, such as murders, and disappearances, rampant intimidation, political thuggery, harassment of opposition supporters and intolerance of descent are endemic during the run-up to elections.
In light of this, it is clear that Zimbabwe does not have a universally acceptable democratic framework and Zimbabweans have had no experience of democracy during and after white minority rule. Currently in Zimbabwe the post-independence type of democracy definition is the continuation of the previous non-democratic Rhodesian rule. Thus these independence celebrations have a negative effect on the prospects for democratic partnerships/coalitions and on perceptions among the Zimbabwean populations of democracy as a political system.
Although the Mugabe Regime & it's ZANU PF government’s autocratic repression has been effective for 37 years, it has, and we have seen in recent times increased discontent among Zimbabweans. We believe that democracy is a valued and preferred system of governance by Zimbabweans therefore it's evidently clear that the Zimbabwean populations across the world should show their unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the democratic credentials of ZANU PF on this 18 April 2017.
Thus the need for #Take2Zimbabwe.
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: Branch Issues
- Hits: 9379
The people of the Republic of Zimbabwe have converged in confronting the ruling government to implement outstanding electoral reforms as per the new constitution which was adopted in 2013. Two years later the ruling party continues to delay and circumvent the issue of electoral reform. The prevailing socio-political and economic crisis in the country is an outcome of the legitimacy crisis that has haunted the ruling party due to the persistent electoral manipulation. Download the Petition NOW!
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- Written by: John Burke
- Category: Branch Issues
- Hits: 9649
The Zimbabwe Vigil is a campaign to protest for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe. It was born out of an idea by Roy Bennett in summer 2002, both Roy Bennett, MDC MP and Tony Reeler of the Amani Trust suggested a regular vigil against the illegitimate regime in Zimbabwe. Central London Branch of the Movement for Democratic Change [MDC] set up the Zimbabwe Vigil. The 'Original' Vigil was launched on 12 October 2002.
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